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Amazon Seller Tools

Prioritize Your Amazon Advertising Budget & Product Promotion Efforts with Quantify: Inventory & Financials Promote Report

Your Amazon advertising budget is precious, but if you have a product that people love, it’s worth spending to get more traffic. Use Quantify’s Inventory & Financials Promote report to find the products that need that extra boost. If you’ve been following Seller Labs for a while, you probably know we’re based in a small […]

[Tip Sheet] 4 Reasons Why You Should Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

The Amazon Brand Registry program identifies brand owners to Amazon while helping owners protect their intellectual property, find and report infringement violations and better represent their brand. We recommend all brands who have an active, registered trademark enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to benefit from counterfeit protection as well as control the brand experience your customers have on the world’s most popular e-commerce site. Here are four reasons why you should take a closer look at enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry today!

Amazon Buyer Cycles: Identify Them with Quantify’s Product Dashboards

“Customer insights.” “Buyer’s journey.” “Buying cycles.” The language of today’s brand marketers and e-commerce gurus has shifted squarely to the data we can glean from online shoppers. And with more data available about buyers than ever before, it’s exciting to imagine taking advantage of all this information: how your buyers purchase, when they purchase, what […]

Amazon Advertising Made Easier - 3 New Ignite Features

Amazon advertising is made easier with Ignite. Recent updates give users more keywords and metrics, better reporting, and a simpler user interface. Fifty percent. That’s how much Amazon Advertising spend is expected to increase in 2019. Taken out of context, this may seem like a trend or a momentary blip on the radar—but the data […]


Ready for Amazon Prime Day 2022?

Grab our Prime Day Preparedness Checklist to make sure you are. Plus, get a bonus Promotions Cheatsheet!

    Breaking Breaking

    Effective Jan 17, Amazon announced their first FEE increases for 2023 and it is basically everything. Full details here. All exact % changes are noted as well.

    In-depth video and blog post to follow. Subscribe to fee change updates here.


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