The Next-Level Amazon Product Launch Plan

How to stand out from the competition by building and attracting the right audience on and off Amazon.
Launching a new product is hard work but necessary for your brand to grow. While you may have had a successful Amazon product launch plan in the past, you’ll need to change your strategy to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world.

Watch Scott Voelker, creator of the Amazing Seller podcast and Tyler Henderson, Director of Business Development at Seller Labs as they discuss tactics your competitors aren’t doing that will propel your brand forward. They’ll cover topics such as building an engaged community, partnering with affiliates to promote your products, and leveraging channels off-Amazon to build anticipation ahead of your Amazon product launch. A lot of this webinar is focused on building a brand beyond just Amazon, aiming for a “real” business first. With the proper preparation and foundations, attention, cultivation, and expansion, you can take your next Amazon product launch plan to new heights.
Scott Voelker is the founder and host of The Amazing Seller podcast, a TOP Ranked Business show where he helps regular, everyday people start selling products that MAKE MONEY on and their own websites. Scott generated over $300k his first 12 months of starting his own Amazon business and has now taught and inspired thousands of new Entrepreneurs through his “Take Action” approach.
Resources mentioned in the webinar:
- FreeeUp – A great resource if you’re looking to freelance some of what Scott mentions in the webinar.
- How To Get That First Amazon Product Review For New Product Launches
- Getting Started with Amazon Brand Registry
- Ignite – With a free 30-day trial!
- Seller Labs Managed Services – Amazon Advertising Management, Listing Optimization, and Message Optimization too!
- Scott’s Free Downloads!
- The Amazon Influencer Program: Leveraging The Power of Social Media
- Influencer Marketing Stats & Strategies for Amazon Sellers

Caroline is an Event Manager, Partner Specialist,and Marketing Expert at DISQO. When she's not offering excellent customer support she's doing pirouettes and cheering on the UGA Bulldogs.