Leap Day 2020: Bonus Time to Better Your eCommerce Business

Nastya Zhavoronkova Author

2020 brings with it two major quadrennial events: the U.S. presidential election and Leap Day. I hope you’ve already slotted time to vote on November 3 (you can find your polling place and hours here), but how will you spend February 29? It is, after all, an extra full day.

Leap Day 2020 falls on a Saturday, which makes it ideal for catching up on rest, spending quality time with your family, checking things off your honey-do list, hitting a movie or museum, or catching a game (I’ll certainly be watching my beloved Liverpool take another step closer to this season’s Premier League title). It’s a bonus day so enjoy it.

Something I’ve noticed in my time working with Amazon sellers is that what many of them enjoy (in addition to the above-mentioned activities) is their work, especially when that work delivers tangible results. Successful eCommerce entrepreneurs love their work and they love any opportunities to better their businesses. For these sellers, Leap Day is a chance to take care of business and do that extra something that puts them ahead of the competition.

If you’re one of these sellers, or aspiring to be one, here are some things you can do this Leap Day in order to better position your business. They all need to get done, so why not get a jump on them now using your extra day? After all, it only comes once every four years.

One, Done, and Won: Leap Day Single Efforts That Yield Big Wins Quickly for Amazon Sellers

Schedule Healthy Habits for the Year Ahead

Use Leap Day to add these recurring events to your calendar. You don’t have to do them all, and you may find that your mix varies in terms of tasks and frequencies, but get them on the docket and try to stick to the plan. Even if you can only do half of them half of the time, you’ll still come out ahead.






Bigger Projects Best Started Now

Nice Extras for Any Day of the Year

Anything You Do Is a Win So Take Action!

Time is always tight for eCommerce entrepreneurs. Leap Day 2020 gives you one extra day, so follow the path of proven successful sellers and take action.

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